St. Francis

of Assisi

Catholic Church

Lord make me an instrument of peace..   Where there is hatred, let me sow love   Where there is injury, pardon   Where there is discord, unity   Where there is doubt, faith   Where there is dispair, hope

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"We are keeping you in our prayers for your health and well being. Mass intentions and prayers for those who are sick, listed in the bulletin are being offered by Fr. Sabando in his celebration of private masses. In order to keep operational expenses paid during the cancellation of masses, you may also mail your Sunday offerings to St. Francis Catholic Parish, 1537 Rogers Ave., Lancaster, TX  75134 or donate on line below:

Online Donations

You can now make both one time
and recurring donation securely
on line. Click on the logo below for
more details.





Parish Office Hours

Monday-      9:00 AM - 4 PM
Tuesday–     9:00 AM - 4 PM 
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 4 PM
Thursday     9:00 AM - 4 PM 
Friday          9:00 AM - 4 PM 

Financiero 2020

    Padre Joseph Trinh - Administrador
teléfono:    Sólo emergencias— Cel  

Diácono Sergio Carranza

teléfono: 214-515-2239

  Diácono SK Larry P. Seidemann III
teléfono: 214-546-3598
     Diácono SK Bernabe Rodriguez III
teléfono: 214-921-4608
  Sara Raines - Gerente de negocios
teléfono:    972-227-7080
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    Mirka Andrade - Secretaria
teléfono:    972-227-4124
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  Gabriela Vela - Religious Education
teléfono:     972-227-0770 
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     Maria Hernandez - Sacristán
  St. Vincent de Paul assistance
Llama a la línea directa: 972-218-6605

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SK Julius A. Semien


































Current Weekly Bulletin: Click Picture

Helpful Links

Mass Links

Breakfast Schedule

Coming in September!



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Click on the following lines for helpful information:

Bishops invitation to listen to masses:

 Information on Fraud and scams:

Domestic violence resources with Diocese of Dallas and Catholic Charities:

1537 Rogers Avenue
Lancaster, Texas 75134
Email address -
Phone: 972-227-4124