St. Francis

of Assisi

Catholic Church

Lord make me an instrument of peace..   Where there is hatred, let me sow love   Where there is injury, pardon   Where there is discord, unity   Where there is doubt, faith   Where there is dispair, hope

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"We are keeping you in our prayers for your health and well being. Mass intentions and prayers for those who are sick, listed in the bulletin are being offered by Fr. Sabando in his celebration of private masses. In order to keep operational expenses paid during the cancellation of masses, you may also mail your Sunday offerings to St. Francis Catholic Parish, 1537 Rogers Ave., Lancaster, TX  75134 or donate on line below:

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Parish Office Hours

Monday-      9:00 AM - 4 PM
Tuesday–     9:00 AM - 4 PM 
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 4 PM
Thursday     9:00 AM - 4 PM 
Friday          9:00 AM - 4 PM 

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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned by the pastor to assist the priests and deacons in distributing communion during Mass and/or to the Home-bound sick and aged of the parish.


Sunday Mass Scheduling - Gaye Harcourt

Home-bound Ministries – Aurora Canales or Parish office (972) 227-4124


Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Sundays

  1. Before mass, Arrive at least 20 minutes early in the event the captain is running late everything will be set up and will eliminate last minute rushing. If you cannot make a scheduled time please find a substitute. Do not presume that another person will take your place. The captain (is the first name on the EM list) checks off the names for those who have been assigned to serve at that Mass. At 10 and 12:15 Masses all are given floor positions for communion at this time. (The check off list should be completed in the sacristy II.) The captain will make sure that the correct number of cups, purificators and plates are in place.
    1. 5 minutes prior to Mass Cup and/or Ciboria positions will be reduced.  Please, No last minute recruiting.
    2. For 5 pm, 7 pm and 8 am  2-4 cups are placed on the servers table behind Fr.'s chair. 2-4 purificators are placed on the Credence table, behind Fr.'s/Deacon's chair with Father's Chalice with a purificator and Pall on it. Tray is placed on the *Credence table on South side by Mary. Make sure key is in Tabernacle. Fill the small flagon with wine, put host in paten and place on the table in back of church for the offertory
    3. For 10 & 12:15 2 Ciboria and 4-6 cups are placed on the credence table behind Fr.'s chair, with Father's Chalice with purificators and Pall and 7-9 purificators (8 or 10 total). Place the tray on *Credence table on south side by Mary. Make sure key is in Tabernacle.
    4. Place Host in large open Ciboria and Flagon with wine on the table at the back of the nave on Mary's side.
  2. EMoHC’s will greet parishioners as they arrive.
  3. All ministries will pray in the sacristy before mass, and then line up for the entrance procession. Order of Procession to the Altar: Altar servers followed by only two (2)EMoHC's (captain and one other), Proclaimer 1 and 2, followed by the Deacon, then the Priest.
  4. After the Sign of Peace, the EMoHC’s will approach the altar and stand on the floor along the first step  equally divided to each side of the Altar; of the sanctuary after the Priest communicates himself with the Precious Blood,  they are to proceed to positions on altar. **do not wait for deacon to receive **
  5. When you are finished distributing the Eucharist, those with ciboria will return these to the altar and those with cups will go to the *Credence table. The captain distributing the Body of Christ, will wash your thumb and forefinger in the Ablution cup and dry on the towel beside it. DO NOT consume the remainder of the Blood of Christ while in transit to the table or put the purificators inside the cup, lay them beside the cups. All other EM’s, except for captain may go back to your regular seat. The Captain will assist the deacon in drying the vessels after he has purified them.
    1.  If there is no Deacon, the captain will bring the tray with vessels to the sacristy after mass for Father to purify (do not dry them).  Or     (Captain asks priest before mass)
    2. the captain brings the tray with communion cups to the altar for Fr to purify but the captain does not dry while at the altar... then returns the tray to the credence table.
  6. The captain will be responsible to take tray and all vessels to the sacristy after Mass for washing, since they are purified at the Altar. After vessels are washed , captain should set up tray for next mass. After the 12:15 Mass all vessels are put away and the used purificators are placed in the *Sacrorium and drying towels are placed in the basket on top of the counter for the sacristan.
  7. The *flagon needs only be washed, not purified since the wine poured into chalices has not been blessed..
  8. All actions of the Eucharistic Ministers should be conducted with reverence, mindful that the Body and the Blood of Christ are in your care.
    1. Moving carefully and purposefully, in order to treat members of the assembly with graciousness, and never, ever hurry.
  9. Remember these guidelines are for the norm, be open to changes as circumstances of each mass dictate.



  1. Dress: To show the proper reverence toward this ministry, EM’s should be well groomed in appearance.  Men should wear dress pants, collared shirt, optional (jacket and/or tie). Women should wear a dress or pants ensemble (no cleavage or under garments should be visible). All should wear dress shoes.
  2. To each person that approaches you say either    “The Body of Christ” or “The Blood of Christ.”  *Do not add the person’s name.*  
    1.   If a person wants to receive on the tongue – or the hand, this is their choice.
      1. If they seem uncertain, tell them gently what they need to do. If it seems they are confused because they may not be Catholic, ask them, “Are you Catholic?”  
      2. If not, give them a blessing. If there is a child or adult who cannot receive, give them a blessing,
        1. “May the Lord Bless you and keep you.” Or “Bless you”
          1. Do not touch the person, especially the children.
      3. When a person receives from the cup, make sure they take the cup in their hands. When they have finished wipe the lip of the cup with the purificator pinching the inside and outside lip, and turn the cup for the next person to receive.
  3. During the communion rite be aware of the individual. Look at them, take your time.   The whole communion rite is a prayer that involves words and movement – your words, their words, your movement, and their movement. This is all part of worship.



  1. Chalice: Cup used for the celebration of the Mass.
  2. Credence Table: The table near the sanctuary where the things needed for mass are kept until and after they are used. The EM’s will have the one near the Mary shrine. Altar Servers is behind Fr.'s chair.
  3. Flagon: The special pitcher used during the mass for the wine/Blood of Christ.
  4. Ciboria: A dish containing the Body of Christ while it is being distributed.
  5. Purificator: A rectangular piece of cloth used to wipe the edge of the cup after a communicant receives the Blood of Christ. Every EM of the cup must have one.
  6. Sanctuary: The raised area of the church that contains the altar, pulpit, presidential chair, and tabernacle.
  7. Ablution Cup, filled with water, is a small bowl-like container, located on the credence table for EM's. After the distribution of Holy Communion, the EM dips his thumb and index into the water held by the ablution cup, wipes his fingers on the towel, and returns to the sacristy.
  8. Sacrorium is a special sink found in the sacristy of most Catholic churches. The drain opens into a pipe that bypasses the sewer and runs straight down into the earth. The sacrarium provides for the proper disposal of sacred substances. Most notably, after Mass the vessels which held the Body and Blood of Christ are rinsed and cleansed there. In this way any remaining particles of communion are washed into the earth.

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Phone: 972-227-4124